Thông tin chi tiết ấn phẩm

Dữ liệu biên mục

          Learning Korean Writing through Reading Materials / Youn Namhee. - Korea : SOTONG, 2021. - 183 tr
          Recently, there has been a growing interest in integrating reading and writing in education, and efforts to implement this in practice have become more active. However, it has been difficult to find books that provide qualitative ways to combine these two skills. This book starts from this problem and presents strategic reading for improving writing skills, with a focus on natural integration between reading and writing. The book suggests learning various writing styles through reading materials and acquiring sufficient background knowledge before starting to write. Since the process of writing involves expressing and organizing background knowledge in appropriate ways, without sufficient background knowledge or knowledge of expression, one cannot write good content
         ISBN: 9791186453964
         Giá tiền: 16,000 won

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Chi tiết
LDNTU: TKTA (TKTA): 2023100125
Tổng số bản:  1
Số bản rỗi: 1  (kể cả các bản được giữ chỗ)
Số bản được giữ chỗ: 0
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Chia sẻ:

Mục từ truy cập

  • Tác giả: Youn, Namhee
  • DDC: 495
  • Từ khoá: Korea; Learning
  • Đăng kí mượn ấn phẩm

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